Simpleton’s Economics (Economica Simplitica)




I’d like to thank the current UK Government and current UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for organizing, a general election. Excellent timing for my Book on Economics. I had already decided to write it because of f Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng. If they can write books about Economics and foist their nutty theories on us, then I see no reason why I shouldn’t enter the fray. In fact, I predict this will be a best seller and I won’t bankrupt the UK and crash the Global Markets. I can’t promise I’ll save them but at least I’ll make everyone feel better and let them know that it isn’t their fault. No need to feel guilty that you don’t work hard enough, aren’t’ clever enough or come from the wrong side of Town.

Students currently studying Economics and the lecturers and tutors teaching them while doing their research and their various phd’s in ” Behaviour in Random Markets” and increasingly obscure economic theory , you’ve missed the boat , because this is the only book anyone is ever going to need. No more theories from Grizzly old Men sitting at their desks,(Keynes, Smith and Friedman ). The World has changed beyond anything those men could have imagined, they’ve been left behind in World where gainsaying means more than evidence and where the rich imagine a World without the inconvenience of ” workers”. Robots will do the work for us, we don’t need people and their emotions and inconveniences. The Digital Economy is here, the people will play to our tune , or will they?

That crazy year when Liz and Kwasi caused a mighty upheaval in the financial markets and wasted so much money on their theories. When the whole economy nearly came crashing around our ears I thought at the time that someone is going to have to pay for this sometime. Recently with my income severely reduced and budgeting being high on my agenda, I have thought well we’re all in the same boat, but how did we get here?

To be honest it wasn’t really Liz’s and Kwasi’s fault, I suppose they tried to put their “theories ” into practice and let’s just say that there were a lot of flaws in them. Things had been on the skids along time and I suppose their colleagues thought they were going to be our economic saviors. Which brings me to my first point about Economics.

There are NO Economic Saviors or Geniuses who can make something out of nothing. Much as the theorists and intellectuals would like to think. It’s a fallacy. Resources are finite. Electoral promises are poppy cock. Two and Two as some point has to equal Four if the Chicken dinner can be cooked and served on time. Know what I mean?

So let me get on……My Chapters

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