Monthly Archives: December 2023

Nostalgia is bad for you.

What makes you feel nostalgic?

Nothing,but nothing makes me Nostalgic.Wistfully looking at a period in the past and imagining it was so much better than now is entirely futile if not misleading.

Perhaps recently,you have had the same experience as us here in the UK.

We have had Politicians playing on our emotions,harkening back to Empire and wanting “to give us back control”. Pure Nostalgia and for what? A Period of Time when the majority of people were ill fed, abused,and dragged into World Wars that did so much damage that we are still trying to recover today.

Hey,Ho, Nostalgia I laugh in your fat bloated face.Give me historical facts and data any day.Give me people who can talk to each other in many languages and understand common goals and the need to work together.

In other words, and also in other worlds, I can be nostalgic about a future that will be better,not a past that wasn’t.

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Relationships That Encourage Growth

What relationships have a positive impact on you?

I will try to get to the essence of what works well with human interaction.

Firstly , all we all need relationships with others. Being placed in solitary confinement all your life is no good for anyone.

A newborn baby learns ;we hope;good things from those who interact with them from an early age. I have to say “I hope” as some children do come into the World who despised and ill treated from the day they are born. Humanity cries in shame and frustration. It is a chain of events that will lead to further abuse and dysfunction.We all sense it and know it.

This leads me to the second element that creates a positive relationship. One must have each others best interests at heart. Thus,a relationship can be with a person or an organisation that wishes you to become the best that you can be within the confines of a “safe place.”

None of us are Perfect ,some of us hate being told what to do.Even when a Relationship establishes that “best interests” of all parties are the aim.There will be disagreements about what is “best”.

Thus, the third element of a successful positive relationship is empathy and understanding.

Using these tools, conflicts can be analysed and resolved. It is a healthy situation when one can accept that mistakes are not irrevocable and that despite disastrous interactions or consequences, maintaining channels of communication as a way to move on is important.

The challenges to achieve a positive result in a relationship are immense but very much a work in progress.

I have been immensely lucky in my life,I have known key people who have had my best interests at heart. I have a relationship with them which I will never forget,it is an invaluable part of my psyche. Hopefully,I can pass that positivity on in my relationships.

It is what will make a Better World.

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Jockey Colours

If you started a sports team, what would the colours and mascot be?

I wouldn’t be able to help myself.My favourite colours for “my” team would be just like what Jockey’s representing their horse’s owners wear at very up market Horse Racing Meets.

No matter what the team sport,be it football,hockey,hand ball volleyball or any other team sport you can think of it would have to be a little primary red cap, primary yellow and red polka dot silk long sleeve shirt and white calf length pantaloons. No sponsorship labels on any of the clothing.

It would have to look pristine everything they wore it,so I would need a team of launderers and seamstresses too to ensure my team looked fantastic no matter where or what they were playing.

I can see them now!. Following the Mascot,which would be an 8ft tall toy brown bear dressed up in the “colours” who would cheer on my Team from the sidelines.

Thank you,and I enjoyed my little fantasy.

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How have your political views changed over time?

I’ve often thought that freedom of thought is associated with being young and carefree.

Without the burden of the cares of the World on your shoulder,your thoughts can be expansive ,your sympathies and empathies can follow many paths and understanding show no limits.There is right and wrong and in-between ,all worth consideration and all worth your time.

And then the Real World comes crashing down ,the need to earn a living in a competitive Workplace ,to find a place to Live,to play a role in the Community you are a part of.All these are demands on Time and Energy.

Freedom of thought suddenly becomes a luxury. Discussions about Politics are irritating and in some cases inappropriate.The need to fit in and be accepted is paramount.Why argue?You need a system to work within,who wants constant controversy?

Stability,A Rulebook of Effort and Reward; that is what is needed. There are people more wise and talented people than you who can put that in place. They have the time,you don’t.

Over a period of time, thoughts and discussions about Politics become superfulous, and those who participate in them become clowns and the butt end of jokes and accusations of corruption. Who indeed would consider going into ” politics” as a serious career? Public Service ? My foot!

And there we are before we know it?A cynic,nothing will change.

Politicians are egotistical and selfish and known for feathering their own nests with our hard earned cash.

We are Powerless , Fearful, we have little or no control.Protest is pointless or dangerous.Democracy is purely an expression of opinion through voting ,not an effective mode of change or reform.

Yes,your chosen Political Party can lose an election,but the winner won’t be much different from the loser. You have voted for a status quo of Authority.Now die quietly.No-one cares.

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Punk Rock Sleeper

I suppose you’d have to know your sleeping partner very well before asking for an Airmax Breathing Aid for Christmas. I was lucky enough to have an understanding partner, perhaps not so understanding to put up with my occasional Walrus Like groans at intermittent times of the night, but understanding enough to make the effort to search the internet for a Solution. I think I might have said to him,

“This is the challenge , should you choose to accept it?” He smiled and I knew he was up to it.

A few days before Christmas, when my only choice was to sleep on my side , curled up in an almost foetal position, due to the dog ( a small terrier) and making an effort not to lie on my back It was when I stretched out comfortably on my back and fell asleep that my body called out for more air and I would wake myself up , with the mating grunt of a hefty artic Walrus in the throes of ecstasy. This did not go down well particularly when said Sleeping Partner had to get up at 6.00am to go to work.

However, Christmas Day arrived and I’m pleased to say so did a solution to my breathing problem in the form of the “Airmax Breathing Aid.” The one I had been looking at on the internet , was battery powered and gently blew oxygen into the nasal passages while you were asleep. Sensibly, for a first try at increasing airflow ,my Partner went for the purely mechanical solution. So it was that I opened the box and came across a blue soft moulded rubber device , a bit like a pair of headphones for a trendy mouse.

There was a small device(blue) and an orange device (medium). However, as with anytime on Christmas Day there were other priorities and after the usual thanks and now you open yours I put my package away safely , wondering when I would get the chance to try it out.

As with any Christmas, the dishes needed done and I was tidying up in the kitchen at 1.00am on Boxing Day after my Sleeping Partner had called it a day as he had a bit of a cold. When I’d finished putting away a batch of dishes and had washed up more ready to put then away in the morning I made myself a small drink and thought about getting ready for bed aswell as reading the instructions for my “Airmax”

I took the Airmax box upstairs and I’ve got to admit I was a little nervous Perhaps it would hurt? Perhaps it would be uncomfortable? Or even make my eyes water or my nose run. That wouldn’t help me sleep. However, I was determined to try it , if it meant I could sleep on my back.

The instructions said , “fit in front of a mirror”. So after brushing my teeth, and rinsing the blue Airmax, I put it as instructed with the “legs” opening my airway and the little blue rubber bit looking like I had a nose piercing. I thought I looked a bit like a Punk Rocker. It was not uncomfortable in truth I could hardly feel it , I adjusted it slightly by pushing the blue rubber bit upwards and everything seemed to fit very nicely. I also had a bit of a cold and in truth, I immediately began to breath more easily. This I felt was a good sign. I perhaps was not as tired as I should have been, but the bed and the quilt cover were very tempting. I hopped into bed and lay on my back, my sleeping partner was fast asleep.

The feeling of being able to stretch my neck , back and legs was wonderful. I couldn’t decide whether I wanted by arms under or over the quilt. The most important thing was I had a choice. My breathing was easier, I wasn’t coughing and all I knew was that my body was getting more air. It was a pleasant feeling.

Unfortunately though, possibly because of the excitement during the day , I just couldn’t sleep. I wanted to know as soon as possible if when I fell asleep that I wouldn’t snore. I knew if I started it would wake my sleeping Partner and I would get a deep voice in my ear saying “Roll Over, your snoring!”. I always hated that as it would wake me up and also make me feel annoyed with myself.

I couldn’t sleep and lay there for about an hour, I eventually needed to get up and go to the bathroom. I thought , well suppose my “Airmax” falls out when I get up, but it didn’t , it stayed put. I had visions of it falling out like a contact lens and having to search for it on a dark landing. Fortunately, it just seemed to stay put, I checked again in the mirror and again thought it looked like a nose piercing without the pain.

Back into bed I got and now my brain was beginning to settle down, so I must have nodded off to sleep on my back. It wasn’t until about 8.00am that morning when my Partner said ” Roll Over”. I had slept on my back all night and it was just towards the end of my sojourn that I began making loud noises again, though I am assured that they were nothing as bad as they used to be.

The instructions say use it for two weeks to get used to it, I’m more than happy to do this and I really think that the extra airflow helps. I might move up to the orange ( medium) one to see if it stops my Snoring noises completely, but there was such an improvement , I think both of us will be a lot happier. What a great little device, I’m a Punk Rock Sleeper.

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